Friday, March 02, 2018

What is helplessness?

The ‘helpless’ person is the ‘victim’ or the ‘poor me’. When the wish is thwarted, the person feels helpless or disempowered. Helplessness or disempowered breeds anger or rage every time , and every person. Individuals are often forced to slow down in life due to physical limitations and chronic illness as they get older.

These limitations are out of their control, leading them to feel extremely helpless. Although the physical limitations may have restrictive certain activities in their life, they may give up hope and generalize this to other activities.

Helplessness is a learned behavior. There are advantages to being helpless and one of them is that the helpless person does much less than a self-reliant one does. In the theory of learned helplessness maintains that the perception that one is helpless, or unable to control, or affect significant events in one’s life, leads to low self-esteem, undermines goal oriented motivation and produces a depressed emotional state.
What is helplessness?

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