Friday, March 30, 2018

Etiology of major depression

What causes major depression? *Major depression results from both genetic and environmental factors, *Heritability of liability applies to groups, not individuals.

Complex interactions between biological and psychosocial factors are believed to be involved in the etiology of depression and other mood disorders.

The biopsychosocial model is one of the best approaches to understating the causation of depression. In this model, biological sociological and psychological factors interact to produce depression.

Major depressive disorder is familial, with other prevalence seen in first-degree family members of affected individuals than in the general pollution. This suggests that a major depressive disorder may be genetic, and the most compelling evidence that it comes from studies of twins.

Childhood abuse and neglect are considered risk factors, as is early parental death or separation. Stressful life events are also considered to be risk factors.
Etiology of major depression

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