Wednesday, January 06, 2021

What is work-related stress?

Work-related stress is the response people may have when presented with work demands and pressures that are not matched to their knowledge and abilities and which challenge their ability to cope. The current nature of work requires faster work, more work and high-quality work.

Work stress is thought to affect individuals’ psychological and physical health, as well as organizations effectiveness, in an adverse manner.. Signs of stress can be seen in people’s behaviour, especially in changes in behavior.

Acute responses to stress may be in the areas of feelings (for example, anxiety, depression, irritability, fatigue), behavior (for example, being withdrawn, aggressive, tearful, unmotivated), thinking (for example, difficulties of concentration and problem solving) or physical symptoms (for example, palpitations, nausea, headaches). If stress persists, there are changes in neuroendocrine, cardiovascular, autonomic and immunological functioning, leading to mental and physical ill health (for example anxiety, depression, heart disease).

Workers who are stressed are also more likely to be unhealthy, poorly motivated, less productive and less safe at work. Their organizations are less likely to be successful in a competitive market.

The effects of the work-related stress are evident in the following areas:

*Physiological disorders – including blood pressure changes, breathing problems, gastrointestinal disorders, etc.
*Emotional disorders – such as depressions, anxiety, aggression, low self-esteem, bad intellectual functions, inability to concentrate, etc.
*Behavioral disorders – including lower performance, injuries, higher fluctuation, the use of addictive substances, communication problems, etc.
What is work-related stress?

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