Sunday, October 01, 2017

Definition of delusional disorder

Delusions are among the most common psychotic symptoms. 48% of manic patients and 33% of bipolar depressives are delusional and practically all patients with schizophrenia experience delusions at some time during the course of their illness.

Delusions are false beliefs that are held with complete conviction, unaffected by clear evidence to the contrary and implausible or bizarre. Delusional disorders are chronic psychiatric conditions that have delusions as the predominant or often the only symptoms.
DSM-IV defined delusional disorder as ‘the presence of a persistent, non-bizarre delusion that is not due to any other mental disorder, such as schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder or a mood disorder.’

They are five sub-types of delusional disorder:
*Persecutory type (the belief by the patient that he or she is being persecuted or harmed)
*Jealous type
*Erotomanic type (the belief that another person, usually of higher status, is in love with the patient)
*Somatic type
*Grandiose type
Definition of delusional disorder

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