Astonishment with oneself refers to the feelings that one’s own cognitive qualities are unexpected and surprising.
This signals the beginning of the individual’s becoming an object of his of her own awareness.
Depressed patients often express negative feelings about themselves. These feelings may be related to the general dysphoric feelings just describe, but they are different in that they are specifically directed toward the self.
The patients appear to distinguish feeling of dislike for themselves from negative attitudes about themselves.
Many negative feelings may surface when a person is struggling to cope with a crisis. They might include anger, depression, or grief.
The frequency of self dislike ranges from 37 percent in the nondepressed group to 86 percent among the severely depressed.
Mild: Patients state that they feel disappointed in themselves.
Moderate: The feeling of self dislike is stronger and may progress to a feeling of disgust with oneself.
Severe: The feeling may progress to the point where patients hate themselves.
Feeling of inferiority towards oneself refers to the negative emotions one experiences as a result of increased awareness of the discrepancies between where one is and the higher level to which he or she aspires.
Negative feelings are very powerful and can lead people to do something as drastic as trying to take their own lives.
Emotions are divided into feelings and attitudes. The basic feelings are the positive feeling of joy and the negative feeling of sorrow, while the primary attitudes are love and hate.
Negative emotions can result in not taking care of themselves.
Self negative feeling
Depression commonly refers to a relatively transitory, negative mood experienced by human. The terms depression or depressed are used in both the ordinary, non-clinical sense and to refer specifically to pathology, especially when the mood of depression has reached a level of severity and/or duration that warrants a clinical diagnosis.
Friday, April 01, 2011
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