Winter depression is a type of despondency that returns year after year during the winter period. Its symptoms appear in the autumn, and abate in the spring when the hours of daylight increase. Light treatment has been used with benefit for this disorder.
Among the symptoms of winter depressive disorders:
*Oversleeping and more deeply
*Hibernation reflex
*Daytime fatique
*Craving carbohydrates
*Weight gain by eating extra carbohydrates
*Hopeless, feeling less motivated and feeling withdrawn
*Heavy feeling in arms and legs
*Suicidal thoughts, also may be present
Women appear to be most susceptible to winter depression and the symptoms usually appear between the ages of 20 and 30.
Winter depression is also called SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). The risk of winter depression is increased in gloomier climates and in the northernmost latitudes.
SAD of Winter depression