In addition to terminal insomnia and anorexia, people with melancholia complain of other symptoms. One is a pervasive loss interest or pleasure, including a subjective sense that their change in mood is different from normal.
Another indicator of melancholia is a change in mood state during the day, with a tendency to feel worse in the morning and better as the day goes on. There can be implicit anxiety, but more often apathy gives the depression its characteristics form.
Other symptoms of melancholia include excessive guilt and severe psychomotor retardation or agitation. In pure melancholia, inhibition never reaches stupor. Also speech pattern, a monotonous and voice, slowing down of all movements, poverty of expressive movements, all these characterize melancholic inhibition.
The feeling of inadequacy, or insufficiency is yet another very important symptom of pure melancholia.
Melancholics wake up early in the morning – roughly 2 or 3 hours earlier than normal. On waking, until the afternoon, they feel worried and anxious. Heavy sprits are unable to be diverted by external positive stimuli.
What are the symptoms of melancholia?