Sunday, July 21, 2013

The meaning of loneliness

It can be said that loneliness is the feeling of being alone for a person has when their primary needs are not being met. It is the unpleasant experience that occurs when a person’s network of social relations is deficient in some important way, either quantitatively or qualitatively.

The definition considered loneliness as a subjective negative experience and provided the cause of such an experience – the frustration related to perceptions of the mismatch regarding social relations’ domains.

In adult, loneliness has been associated with a variety of problems including illnesses and over use of the health-care system, nursing home admissions, age-adjusted morality rates, suicide, alcohol abuse, poor psychological adjustment, aggression and low grades in university.

Loneliness scholars distinguish between trait and situational loneliness trait loneliness, also known as chronic loneliness has been theoretically explained as resembling a personality trait.

Situational loneliness stems from the situation an individual is in.

Loneliness may be considered a global complex construct with interrelated aspects.  There are four unique interrelated forms of the loneliness experiences:
*Emotional loneliness
*Social loneliness
*Existential loneliness
*Representational loneliness
The meaning of loneliness

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