Specific Standard of Behavior
To define psychological disorder more precisely, we must consider more specific standards of behavior – namely social norms and age norms.
Social norms
Behaviors are considered abnormal or normal only in some social context. Social norms are the expectations about how to behave that prevail in a particular social context, whether it is a culture, subculture, or everyday setting. Thus, hearing the “spirit” speak or seeing visions is defined as abnormal in the mainstream culture of North America, but among the plain Indian these “symptoms” have been defined as valued skills. Similarly, a child’s screaming and shouting may be viewed as a quite appropriate on the playground or in the backyard may be raised eyebrow when it is inappropriate in context – for example, when it occurs in the classroom or at church. Definitions of abnormal behavior vary from culture , from subculture to subculture, and from one historical period to another. In a very real sense, then, abnormality is in the eve of a particular group of beholders.
Age norms
Age norms is particularly important from a lifespan developmental perspective – abnormal behavior must be defined in relation to age norms, or societal expectations about what behavior is appropriate or normal at various ages. The 4-year-old boy, who frequently cries, acts impulsively, wets his bed, and talks to his imaginary friend may be perceived as – and may be perfectly normal. The 40 year old who does the same things has a problem. We simply cannot define abnormal behavior and development without having a solid grasp of normal behavior and development.
Specific Standard of Behavior
Depression commonly refers to a relatively transitory, negative mood experienced by human. The terms depression or depressed are used in both the ordinary, non-clinical sense and to refer specifically to pathology, especially when the mood of depression has reached a level of severity and/or duration that warrants a clinical diagnosis.
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