Saturday, June 18, 2016

Beck Hopelessness Scale

Beck Hopelessness Scale is a 20-item self report measure designed to assess people’s feelings of hopelessness, specifically, their pessimism, loss of motivation and expectations about the future over the previous week.

It is Beck’s cognitive model of depression in which hopelessness plays a prominent part. Hopelessness is also a common emotion experienced by suicidal patients.

None of the items are false keyed to control for acquiescent response styles. Each time is scored either 0 or 1, with total scores ranging from 0 to 20. Higher scores reflect more intense levels of hopelessness. Overall, the content of the items represent negative expectation for the future.

Responding either true or false to the items, patients can endorse as pessimistic statement or deny optimistic statements. Total scores range from 0 to 20, with a higher score indicating a greater degree of hopelessness.
Beck Hopelessness Scale

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