Thursday, December 17, 2015

Mild crying spells

Women’s reactions during these first weeks cover a wide spectrum, ranging from transient period of mild depression to severe bouts of increased irritability and crying spells.

Increased periods of crying are frequent among depressed patients. The only the milder forms of depression are accompanied by more frequent crying, whereas severe depression is typically characterized by the inability to shed emotional state.

There is an increased to weep or cry by mild depressed patients. Stimuli or situations that would ordinarily not affect the patient may now elicit tears.  A mother, for example, might burst out crying during an argument with her children or if she feels her husband is not attentive.

Although increased crying is frequent among mildly depressed women, it is unusual for a mildly depressed women, it is unusual for a mildly depressed man to cry.

In milder forms, patients appear less depressed and change may be apparent only to family or those familiar with their normal state. They may become tearful at distressing points of the interview.
Crying spells in mild depression 

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