Sunday, November 25, 2012

What is Happiness?

Most human beings want happiness for themselves and their loved ones. Happiness is an emotion. So is sadness, love, hate, curiosity, revulsion, excitement, jealousy, contentment, depression, anxiety, fear, guilt and anger. All emotions have causes, causes which can be understood and controlled. Happiness appears to be central pleasant emotion.

Happiness is similar in meaning to a whole string of positive terms, including exhilaration, contentment, bliss, joyfulness, ecstasy, pleasure, elation and optimism.

It is a condition or state of well-being, contentment, pleasure. Happiness is a long lasting enduring enjoyment of life, it is being in love with living. It is your reward for achieving a good character and personal rational values in life. Some important values are a productive career, romance, friendship and hobbies.

We also received the feel-good feeling when we have exercised that cleared away the toxins and energy blockages in our body. We fell happy whenever we eat our favorite foods or do our favorite activities. 

Achieving these values requires rationality and takes effort and skill. Two types of skills you can use are thinking skills and valuing skills.

When we happy, the Central Nervous System (CNS) of our body is positively stimulated and we have the feel-good feelings of being happy.

Aristotle called happiness the greatest good, the end toward which all other good aimed, an activity of the soul in accord with excellence. He thought happiness consisted of living well and faring well.
What is Happiness?

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