Monday, May 21, 2012

Emotional attachments

Single people are most satisfied and less fearful when they have strong social ties, These people have often experienced secured attachments to their families of origin.
Emotional attachments begins in the original triangle with one’s mother and father or in the absence of either, one’s early caretakers.

Attachment is a naturals state of symbiosis between mother and infant, necessary for survival. Attachments can occur in a variety of interpersonal relationships - including other family relationships, friendships, love relationships, relations with pets etc.

Attachments based on cognitive generalization are usually weaker than those based on personal contact.

Children develop secure emotional attachments of their parents are attuned to their needs for safety, security and being physically cared for and of their parents are responsive to children’s signals that they require their needs to be met.

 Emotional attachment also may result in the acquisition or saving of possessions based on the experience of positive or negative emotions. It may be related to the aesthetic qualities of the object or to the object’s perceived association with emotionally significant people, places or events.
Emotional attachments

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