Symptoms of Depression II
People with psychoses may develop paranoia, believing that they are being manipulated by known or unknown people or forces that there is a conspiracy against them, or that they are in danger.
No amount of rational explanation changes the delusional belief.
Others may be convinced that they have committed an unpardonable sin against loved ones or against their God and deserve punishment, even death.
Some sufferers become so firmly convinced of their own worthlessness that they begin to view themselves as a burden to their families and choose to kill themselves.
Occasionally, severe depression may result in hallucinations in which the depressed person hears or sees things on people that are not present; other types of hallucinations, such as smelling or feeling that are not present, are less common in severe depression than in some other brain disorders.
The changes occurring with depression understandably result on alteration in behavior,
Most individuals with moderate to severe depression will experience decreased activity levels and appear withdrawn and less talkative, although some severely depressed individuals show agitation and restless behavior, such as pacing the floor wringing their hands and gripping and massaging their foreheads.
Given a choice most begin to avoid people and activities, yet others will be most uncomfortable when alone or not distracted.
In general, the severely depressed become less productive, although they may successfully mask the decline in performance of they have been highly productive in the past.
In the workplace, depression may result in morale problems, absenteeism, decreased productivity, increased accidents, frequent complaints of fatigue, references to unexplained aches and pains, and alcohol and drug abuse.
Severely depressed individual have been known to work their regular schedule during the day, interact with their coworkers in a routine way, and then go home and kill themselves.
Symptoms of Depression II
Depression commonly refers to a relatively transitory, negative mood experienced by human. The terms depression or depressed are used in both the ordinary, non-clinical sense and to refer specifically to pathology, especially when the mood of depression has reached a level of severity and/or duration that warrants a clinical diagnosis.
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