The Depression

Initial treatment
Treatment of depression may include antidepressant medication, professional counseling such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, or a combination of the two.
Professional counseling may be all that you need for mild to moderate depression.
If your early symptoms are severe, your initial treatment most likely will include both antidepressants and professional counseling.
Hospitalization may be necessary if you show warning signs of suicide, such as thoughts or plans about harming yourself or another person, detachment from reality (psychosis), or excessive use of alcohol or drugs.
Depression can lead to suicide. The warning signs of suicide change with age.
Warning signs of suicide in children and teens may include preoccupation with death or suicide or a recent breakup of a relationship.
Warning signs of suicide in adults may include alcohol or substance abuse, recent job loss, or divorce.
Warning signs of suicide in older adults may include the recent death of a partner or diagnosis of a life-limiting illness.Depression usually can be successfully treated with medication, professional counseling, or a combination of the two. However, it sometimes takes several attempts to find the medication and type of counseling that work best for you. It can take 4 to 12 weeks for medications to take effect, although they often work more quickly. You and your health professional will work together to find the right treatment.
Treatment of depression may include antidepressant medication, professional counseling such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, or a combination of the two.
Professional counseling may be all that you need for mild to moderate depression.
If your early symptoms are severe, your initial treatment most likely will include both antidepressants and professional counseling.
Hospitalization may be necessary if you show warning signs of suicide, such as thoughts or plans about harming yourself or another person, detachment from reality (psychosis), or excessive use of alcohol or drugs.
Depression can lead to suicide. The warning signs of suicide change with age.
Warning signs of suicide in children and teens may include preoccupation with death or suicide or a recent breakup of a relationship.
Warning signs of suicide in adults may include alcohol or substance abuse, recent job loss, or divorce.

The depression